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BASIC ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LAB. MANUAL. Page | 1. EXPERIMENT NO. : 1. TITLE: CHARACTERISTICS OF FLUORESCENT LAMPS. OBJECTIVE: To study the starting method Fluorescent lamp wiring. 2. Stair case wiring. 3. Measurement of electrical quantities-voltage current, power & power factor in RLC circuit. Residential house wiring using Switches, Fuse, Indicator, Lamp and Energy Name of the Experiment To make and check the fluorescent lamp wiring.EXPERIMENT – 4. MEASURMENT OF POWER CONSUMED BY A FLUORESCENT LAMP. 4.1 AIM: To obtain power consumed and power factor of a fluorescent lamp, Main parts of Fluorescent Tube Light: 1.Fluorescent Tube. 2.Ballast. 3.Starter. 4.Holder, wire etc. Construction. Fluorescent lamp tube is filled with a gas To verify the rating of compact fluorescent lamp (CFL). Page 3. KCT College of Engg. & Tech. Department- AS. EXPERIMENT-1. Objective:To find voltage, current
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