Kerala psc signature upload instructions
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For PSC exams, the pixel size for signature is 100 pixels height x 150 pixels width. Upload File There is no change in other instructions regarding the uploading of photographs. No application fee is required. Candidates can view the details in their Resize Signature for Kerala PSC Exams. For UPSC exams, the pixel size for Signature is 100 pixels height x 150 pixels width. Your signature will be resized Home -; Instruction Regarding Photo. INSTRUCTIONS REGARDING PHOTO. Social Media. Facebook messenger; Linkedin · Twitter · Google Plus · Email Instructions regarding Uploading of Photo Scanned image of your signature put on a good quality white paper with blue/black inkInstructions regarding Uploading of Photo. Scanned image of your signature put on a good quality white paper with blue/black ink Thulasi PSC Photo & Signature Editor for One Time Registration for Kerala PSC. You can upload photograph with any image formats (jpeg/jpg/png/bmp/gif)
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